Frugal, Homesteading, Cooking and Gardening: My Favorite Youtube Channels
I have a secret pleasure. Whenever I want to "get away from it all", or get some inspiration, I take an hour or two tucked away in my room and watch Youtube videos. And yes, I have favorites I have gleaned from various homesteading and frugal sites. In fact, I have four ladies that I watch regularly. I thought you might find these of interest too since the topics cover things I'm interested in and I suppose you are too. These are in no particular order:
What Vivi Did Next: https://youtu.be/Ivn9MXzlAt4?si=mkKvdeZkqLuihyAE
Vivi is a gal from London, a vegetarian who loves gardening. She set out to see if she could support her eating habits entirely from her garden allotment and some years later, she is going strong. She talks about frugal living, cooking and gives us a glimpse into her day-to-day life. She is like a friend I love to catch up with.
Coffee, Tea and Kate: https://youtu.be/0Ez8PATZgO8?si=ar4B0U2FjwIe1qZJ
Kate can't live without her coffee. Me too Kate! She is an author and writes a great deal on being frugal and living a frugal life. I find her decorating videos fascinating. And she is so into making mixes just like me. Her garden is slowly coming along and it is fun to watch her family and her dogs as she cares for them and creates a warm and cozy home. So glad she shares this with us all.
Acre Homestead: https://youtu.be/5gXWpdaGtJE?si=3-hLMPd_QBC_9Nwf
Becky just had a baby, but it isn't slowing her down as far as gardening goes. She has these wonderful batch cooking vids showing how to cook one afternoon and have a freezer full of meals at the ready. I love her stamina and her personality. Always happy and willing to try something new. They recently moved to their new home and immediately set about creating a huge raised-bed garden which includes an herb section.
Homestead Tessie: https://youtu.be/J3s0WpsOWw4?si=ttuiUoY9VUR4457-
Tessie is a wonder as she vlogs every day. Her channel focus is on frugal living, gardening, preserving and making products with herbs she harvests from her own spot. She has Thrifty Thursdays where she spends a limit of up to $10 at the Thrift store and shows you what she got. Often it is books she plans to try recipes or crafting from. Her canning and preserving is another feature I try to watch out for. She welcomes you in like family and once you watch her, you will find it hard not to come back for more.
These are my favorite channels I try to watch on a regular basis. It gives me encouragement when I'm feeling down, like I'm not the only one out there with these interests. I also get inspiration every time I watch one of them. If you feel the need to hide away for a bit, try one of these out. I'm betting you will come away with some bright ideas of your own you are just itching to try.
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