About Me
Hi! I'm Carly and thanks for stopping by. If you are interested in herbs, essential oils, natural healing, recipes, and all the fun you can have with it, as well as saving money, then this spot is for you. I explore all that and more here in my blog. And if you want to see something I haven't covered, then feel free to contact me and let me know. I will see what I can do.
Let me tell you a little about myself. I love nature, herbs and flowers. I am also an Autoimmune Warrior, having been diagnosed with several autoimmune diseases; Myasthenia gravis and Psoriatic arthritis. If you are in the same situation or have to deal with a chronic illness, you understand my interest in natural healing. Together we can share hints, tips and stories to help each other.
In 1995 I graduated from the Australasian College of Herbal Studies (ACHS) with a certificate in Aromatherapy. I'm author of several books on Herbs and Aromatherapy. And my newest one is one I am co-author on with my mother---
Jude's Seasonal Herbal Remedies (llewellyn.com)
If you are interested, please sign up for my monthly list, so you don't miss anything! Just follow me as a favorite seller on eBay and you will get my newsletter.
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And please share the blog with your friends and family who are interested in herbs, aromatherapy, saving money and living a natural, healthy lifestyle.
See you soon, Carly
Although now out of print, you can still find copies of these books on Amazon. Thanks!