Make an Easy Cough Syrup for Pennies
Fall is officially here and I'm hearing coughs everywhere I go. Hubby had a yearly checkup this past week and the doctor noticed he had a cough. He promptly wrote out a prescription for cough syrup. He got sticker shock when he went to fill his prescription. The insurance wouldn't pay for it and it would have cost him over $30! Over-the-counter cough medicine was not as bad, but still pricey. For just a tiny bottle! Of course, he didn't get it and I decided to get out my supplies to make some good, reliable and effective cough medicine of my own. And it only cost pennies! Hubby was delighted and it definitely cut down on the coughing around the house. Everyone can whip up a batch and it takes no time at all really. In fact, in the next several weeks, I am going to do a series of simple home remedies to keep on hand for the fall/winter season.
To start, you will need some fresh ginger, some cinnamon, honey, apple cider vinegar, and lemon juice. Most of these we all have already in our kitchen. You will need 1 teaspoon of grated ginger. Place this into a quart jar. Add 1 teaspoon cinnamon, 4 Tablespoons of apple cider vinegar, 3/8 cup of fresh lemon juice and 1 cup of water, 3/8 cup of honey (raw if you got it). Place a tight lid on it and shake vigorously until well mixed. You will want to label it and store it in the refrigerator for up to 3 months. This will make a pint and a half. You can always cut the recipe in half if you don't need quite that much. To use, take 1 Tablespoon at a time and repeat every few hours if need be.
Another easy recipe helps boost your immune system while being an effective cough suppressant. It includes garlic, as well as ginger plus some good herbs. Take 1 head of garlic (the whole head with skin removed). Toss them into a mason quart jar. Shred a 3" knob of ginger and add that. Get a sprig of rosemary, or thyme or mint and tear into 2-inch pieces and toss that in. Gently heat 1 cup of honey until warmed and it flows freely. Pour that over the ingredients in the jar. Make sure all is covered (if not, warm some more honey to top). Cover and shake well. Place in a warm dark cupboard to steep for 2 weeks, shaking daily. After that, strain and put in a nice jar. Store this in the fridge for several months and when needed, take 1 Tablespoon as needed.
It can't get any easier, or cheaper than that.
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