When confronted with a gloomy weekend, it helps cheer my spirits to do a little crafting. But what to craft without leaving home to purchase anything? Use what I have!
I look around. Yes! I have a bunch of vintage handkerchiefs. They have been piled on a chair waiting for me to starch and iron. These are the kind that have adorable and colorful embroidered edges. I also have a stash of colorful ribbons and dried lavender buds.
With Valentine's Day around the corner, as well as Spring, Easter and Mother's day, Lavender Sachets are a wonderful choice because it will go so good in my booth and make good sales (I have a booth at Flory's Antique Depot 316 Hay Ave Brookville Ohio, booth 21---stop in to check it out if you are nearby). Sachets are great to tuck into linen closets, underclothing drawers, to hang on door knobs or toss into a bowl in the bathroom. They impart a wonderful fragrance and as we all know, lavender has a clean fresh scent that is relaxing and lifts the spirits.
First I sew muslin bags that can hold 3/4 cup of dried lavender buds, and after filling, stitch the top closed. Using pretty vintage Handkerchiefs gives a nod to the Victorian era; delicate, frilly and the Victorians had a bunch of handkerchiefs lying around to use. After adding a few drops of lavender essential oil for added fragrance, I place the bag in the middle of the chosen handkerchief and gather it together and tie with a ribbon that matches the edging. For added sparkle I attached a bead to the ribbon. But you could add buttons or a small brooch or piece of jewelry or just tie the ribbon.
My next project was a vintage mason jar. I found an antique zinc lid, filled the jar with some rose petals on hand, sprinkled a few drops of rose essential oil for extra scent and closed it by screwing on the zinc lid. A nice antique touch. Last I tied a ribbon around the top and I had rose petal Potpourri. Rose scent is great for uplifting one from sadness and grief.
I wasn't quite done yet. I had a few bundles of dried lavender. By taking an old vintage songbook, tearing out a page, I was able to wrap the bundle with the vintage songbook paper and tie it with some pretty purple ribbon. A few drops of lavender essential oil here refreshed the scent and I had several bundles that would look great sticking out of a vase or basket while filling the room with scent.
Let your imagination run free when you encounter some free time on a gloomy day. What ingredients can you gather and put together into a usable craft? Some extra material, boxes or ribbons just might turn into something gorgeous and usable. And it just might lift your spirits enough to carry you through to sunnier days!
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