The Chakra Project: How the healing power of energy can transform your life
By Georgia Coleridge
Sterling Ethos, 2018, 192 pages
My belief on illness is that we all have within us the power to help ourselves in the journey toward healing by being able to balance our bodies. Today's world is full of stress, uncertainty, pollution and bad food. If we can take charge of our lives and make some changes, I believe that goes a lot towards helping our bodies to heal. Of course, autoimmune issues are more and more common. This is our immune systems on high alert, causing inflammation and self-damage. How do we change the cycle?
In this volume, we discover how powerful our energy systems are, in terms of healing and balancing. "Chakras," according to the author, "are spirals of powerful energy that affect every aspect of your life. When your chakras are clear, you feel full of vitality, confidence, and joy." The chakra system is a seven-fold energy system that is connected to different areas of the body, and this book helps to inform you of what those centers are and how you can balance them. Portrayed as spirals, chakras mimic the spirals of nature; things like the spirals of a seashell, and in greater scale the galaxy itself. Connected to the chakras, are certain colors, ways you can use meditation, yoga, essential oils and even crystals useful to re-balance the chakra system. There are even ways you can discover which chakras may contain blocks.
It is interesting to note that the two best essential oils, rose and lavender, are useful for all the chakras. There are other more specific ones to specific centers but rose and lavender are adaptogenic oils that can work their magic in many ways. I love how the book is organized, going into detail beginning with the base chakra and work its way up to the crown chakra. Each one, when recognized to be blocked or unbalanced, then has corresponding meditations useful to working your way through the problems. Has your heart been broken or are you grieving? Then you can test your heart chakra and use techniques to solve the problem. Clean, healthy chakras are the goal. And so, the information is so very interesting. The only thing that I have against the book, is that the print is way too small and light. It is very hard to read, so I have a good strong light, and my reading glasses at the ready. Otherwise, I think this information is important to our mental, spiritual and physical selves.
Georgia is a healer based in London. She specializes in energy healing; a gentle, relaxing therapy that can be extremely effective at treating physical, emotional, and spiritual ailments. It can help with anxiety, aches and pains, depression, insomnia, stress, and recovery from illness or injury. You can find her website at Home | Georgia Coleridge Healing
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