Making Sure to Take Care of Us! And Sending You a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
There is something I've been thinking about the last several days. We rush around with all the hustle and bustle of shopping, baking and decorating that sometimes we can forget about ourselves. Someone asked me what I had planned for Christmas Eve and Day. It will be the first Christmas since I've lost my husband, so I'm sure the person wanted to make sure I was staying busy and surrounded. But in truth, I just want to spend some quiet time alone. I need that time to reflect, gather myself and focus on my new future. So, I told them that while I'm visiting my son and his family on Christmas day for a bit, I was happily planning my Christmas eve and Christmas day evening alone, in PJ's, with my cat and plenty of yummy snacks.... along with some movies I've been wanting to catch up on. Now, I could play along with the crowd and pack a bunch of busy into my schedule, but I don't want to. I want to take care of myself. And we should all think about that for a moment.
Besides taking a stand for what you really want and need to do for yourself, what else can you do to be good to yourself? I've always relied on a hot soak in the tub, with Epsom salts and a relaxing essential oil like Lavender. There's actually science behind the benefits of a bath. And there are many spas that offer soothing soaks for stress relief benefits. But if you are able to take a hot soak at home, it is very easy to create a spa atmosphere. And if a tub isn't available to you, you can do a foot soak that has similar benefits.
Turn your Bath into a Spa Experience
In a 2018 research study, it was found that a significant percentage of participants found their pain, fatigue and stress were relieved from immersing in a warm bath. In a separate study, it was found that a person's vascular health improved, as well as arthritis and joint pain, muscle pain, strain and peripheral blood flow, helping to heal damaged tissues. Regular soaks also contribute to conditioning and exfoliation of skin. And if you use Epsom salts, it can help with those who have dermatitis and psoriasis conditions. Epsom salt is especially beneficial as it also helps to detoxify the system and it contains the vital mineral magnesium, which also contributes to helping relax us and aid in improving our sleep.
I usually take a tub soak in the evening, but you can do it any time of day and get the same results. When I decide it is time for some stress relief, I get out my fuzzy robe, light a candle, add about a cup of Epsom salt to the warm water and sprinkle in 10-15 drops of essential oil of my choice. It's usually Lavender as that is especially soothing, helps with headaches and is sleep-inducing. Rose scent is helpful for grief, The citrus essential oils are helpful to depression. Doctors say that you don't have to soak for long periods of time either to maximize your benefits. The optimum time for a tub bath is 20-30 minutes. It usually gives me time to listen to an inspirational podcast or read a chapter or two in the latest book I'm reading.
A Good Spa Shower
Just because you don't have an actual tub to soak in doesn't mean you are out of luck. You can take a steamy shower and make it work just as well. Buy some special soap, make sure you get a good loofah or back brush. Wet a washcloth and add 6-8 drops of essential oil and hang in the shower so the scent will be released into the steam. You can also make yourself a scented oil to rub into the skin before you get into the shower. Make sure to be careful as it might get a bit slippery. Just add 4-6 drops essential oil to a couple tablespoons of carrier oil of your choice. Mix and apply.
A Good Foot Soak
All the good qualities of a spa bath are just the same for a foot soak. Our feet our amazing in that the soles soak up all the goodness incredibly quickly. You can buy some foot baths pretty cheaply, and they have the hydrotherapy jets in them so you might want to invest in that. But you can also just fill a tub of water and use that. Add some Epsom salts if you wish. Again, add essential oils according to what you want to accomplish, relaxation, purification, or cleansing. Peppermint usually works good in foot baths, as well as Eucalyptus, Rosemary, Chamomile, or Lavender. You can never go wrong with Lavender. Soak for 20-30 minutes. Pat dry. You will definitely feel a difference.
So that's it. It isn't hard to think about yourself a little bit. It merely takes a few minutes out of your day. And in the spirit of self-care, I will be taking a few weeks off this holiday season to think about the blog and future adventures I want to share with you. I will return after the New Year. I'd like to wish everyone a Very Merry Christmas and a Very Blessed New Year!
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