The Nature of Oaks: The Rich Ecology of Our Most Essential Native Trees
by Douglas W. Tallamy
Timber Press, 2021 (200 pages)
I recently attended a talk which featured author Douglas W. Tallamy. He is a fascinating speaker. His talk "A Guide to Restoring the Little Things That Run the World" was such an eye-opening experience. Our world is teetering on disaster as we try to wipe out the insects---the little things that keep the world running. As the talk outlined, "As many as 1 million species will disappear from planet Earth because of human activities. So how do we create beautiful landscapes that support the pollinators, herbivores, detritivores, predators and parasitoids that run the ecosystems we depend on? Renowned entomologist, author and native plant expert Doug Tallamy will remind us during this in-person presentation of the many essential roles insects play and describe the simple changes we must make in our landscapes and our attitudes to keep insects on the ground, in the air and yes, on our plants." And it is so simple really. Each of us can play our little part by enriching our own yards, patios, pots to help insects feed, live, and survive. Which helps all the other animals and ourselves too.
This author has written several interesting books. I've now read two of them. This one, takes you on a journey of a year in which he plants out his yard with oak trees and observes the many species of animals that so depend upon the oak for their survival. He takes us on a trip to learn about oaks and how important they are. "Oaks support more forms of life and more fascinating interactions than any other tree genus in North America," states the author. Indeed, we would do well to try to incorporate them into our lives as much as we can. By reading this book, full I might add with fascinating photographs, you will feel the pull to learn more about the nature around us and how we can help to heal her.
The author, awarded the 2008 Silver Medal by the Garden Writers' Association from his first book, "Bringing Nature Home", and the book "Nature's Best Hope", which is a New York Times best-seller, is an American entomologist, ecologist and conservationist. He is a professor in the Department of Entomology and Wildlife Ecology at the University of Delaware. He has authored 88 research publications and has taught Insect Taxonomy, Behavioral Ecology, Humans and Nature, Insect Ecology, and other courses for 36 years. He has written and co-authored several books, as well as many papers.
Want to learn from Doug Tallamy about how you can regenerate biodiversity right in your own yard? You can listen to three different talks from this link Recorded Talks - Homegrown National Park
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