BOOK REVIEW 10 Traditional Prosperity Oils for Wealth Attraction Oils

Published on 10 February 2025 at 10:03

10 Traditional Prosperity Oils for Wealth Attraction: Enhance Your Prosperity Consciousness with Pure Essential Oils (Healing & Manifesting Meditations)

by KG Stiles, BA, CBT, CBP, LMT

Certified Clinical Aromatherapist

Healing and Manifesting Series, 2020 (82 pages)


It has always been my core belief that scent affects us in so many ways; physically, mentally and spiritually---hence my book "Setting the Mood with Aromatherapy".  Scent can affect us profoundly in so many ways.  As the author in this book states, "Ancient texts speak of 'magical' substances that could enhance one's personal attractiveness...Indian civilization used plant extracts starting as far back as 5000 years ago."  And that is how it all began.  Our ancestors knew from trial and error that plants could be useful not only medicinally, but in affecting our mental states.  "The Vedas, the most ancient sacred texts known, contained formulas for plant aromatics...contained instructions for how to use over 700 aromatic plants, including spikenard, myrrh, sandalwood, ginger and cinnamon."


We know there are plants out there that can change our moods, but are there ways to use the scents to help us manifest things in our lives?  The author takes us on a journey to show that by using certain blends in our everyday lives, in our meditations, we can amplify our electro-magnetic energy field to align and enhance our prosperity consciousness for wealth and in attracting people and things into our life to manifest or bring into our lives our dreams and goals. And she outlines the recipes and steps to take to advance that goal.


KG Stiles, founder of PurePlant Essentials, is a certified clinical aromatherapist, and holistic health practitioner with over 40 years of experience. Known as the “Aromatherapist to the Stars,” she worked with internationally acclaimed celebrities, athletes, entrepreneurs, executives, hospitals, and individuals worldwide.  She grew up along the beautiful coastal waterways of Wilmington, North Carolina, developing a deep love for nature’s beauty and a passion for helping others. She pursued a lifelong journey of learning about wellness, metaphysics, and psychology. Her path led to the Findhorn community in Scotland, where she deepened her connection to nature’s subtle energies. Her website can be found here PurePlant Essentials – Premium Organic Essential Oils from Ashland, Or


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