BOOK REVIEW What to Eat When You're Broke: A Frugal Food Philosophy

Published on 16 September 2024 at 10:01

What to Eat When You're Broke: A Frugal Food Philosophy, For Eating Well on a Tiny Budget

by Daisy Luther

Banned Books, 2023, 343 pages


The price of food today is affecting everyone's pocketbooks.  The answer is to try to take control by using frugality.  "It can become a food philosophy", like the author says.  The book is a treasure trove of ideas and tips on eating well while living on a limited budget.  And anyone can want to limit their budget---whether it is a must or if you are trying to conserve money for other things you want to spend on.


It starts out by showing you how important it is to learn to cook, about saving leftovers, and building a good pantry that you can pull from.  The habit of eating out has to be broken, as well as being able to cook simple easy meals that save time, and effort.  Serving cheap, healthy meals for yourself and your family is the goal.


With menu and food ideas, it is a manual on how to save money with the food budget.  It has chapters on shopping tips, frugal formulas, creating a great pantry and much more.  If you are into frugal cooking, this will give you inspiration and true tested tips on how to do a good job of it.  "This can't really be called a cookbook," states the author, "as much as it is a 'hodgepodge of thrifty ideas about food'. I don't have measurements for most of them because I'm a 'fling things together' cook.  You can substitute ingredients in just about every so-called recipe based on what you have on hand.  The flexibility is what helps to make it so frugal.  These foods are truly YOUR meals, based on what you have, what you'll eat, and what you can afford."


Daisy’s journey—from corporate grind to self-reliant writer, has taken her on journey and she has a blog,, where she talks about being prepared, and survival living.  She is author of several books on frugal living and surviving on little money.

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